Monday, October 21, 2013

Further Information on Unit Testing with Galaxy

There has not been much headway with the Galaxy testing project since my last blog post, but we did run into some hurdles we did not foresee.

Our original implementation of our unit testing architecture banked on the usage of datasets. This seemed natural since Galaxy always uses datasets when doing its testing. The reason for this is because Galaxy's primary use is for dealing with large biological datasets, which naturally lend themselves to dataset files, rather than manual input. Since we are testing such small pieces of the architecture and tools, it may be more helpful for us to input actual values rather than forcing a dataset constraint.

In Python, this is extremely easy. Within our testCaseX.txt file, we just need to specify some kind of delimiter or boolean that can be programmatically read. The presence (or absence) of this value could mean just read the raw data value out of the testCaseX.txt file, rather than finding a dataset in a different folder. This will allow for ease when adding future tests. This also adds an extra way to break tests and see if they fail and break down as expected.

This, and much more, should be implemented before my next update here and I will reflect on those changes, along with the associated obstacles, in my next post. Consider all things, this project seems to be moving along smoothly, even though the team dynamic feels a bit lacking.

Music listened to while blogging: Kendrick Lamar and The C90s

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