I'd like to start this post by showcasing the logo I made for my software engineering team, the Boolean Bombers, using Logo Garden. The logo can be seen on the right.
There were a few criticisms of our current testing suite for Galaxy. These were very quick, very easy fixes. I took the liberty to make the corrections.
For starters, we were creating a Python file for each test case, which is not what we should have been doing. What is funny about this, though, is that when we were creating these python files, the only difference was the filename that we were using to find the testCaseX.txt file. So it was very easy to create a loop that runs all the code for each testCaseX.txt file within the testCases/ directory. This avoids storing loops and works regardless of how many or how few test cases we have.
Additionally, I added a quick boolean to check if we even had a test case to begin with. If we didn't have a test case, then we jump into an if statement at the end of the driver that reports to the html that there were no tests.
On top of all this, I added a quick line of code to the runAllTests.sh script that opens the browser with test results and, if a browser is already open, then it opens the results in a new tab in that browser.
To add to that, I made some quick changes in the CSS in the HTMLBackbone that retains styling to keep the namesake for testing (pass vs fail, rather than success vs fail/error).
All things considered, we are in excellent shape for the rest of this project.
Aside: I am a part of a Spotify internship right now and one of the things we have to do is try and refer people to Spotify. There's a contest going on right now where we can earn rewards based on who gets the most people referred. My referral URL is here.
Music listened to while blogging: Donald Glover comedy album ~ Weirdo
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