Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Planning to Meet Charleston

So my group met up today and we examined some python documentation and reviewers' thoughts upon the usage of specific file i/o in python with regard to garbage collection. A stack overflow post was very insightful for us. So I previously posted about how I was curious as to whether Python's garbage collector can be spawned when reading in files line-by-line. If you are using the "with" statement in Python to read a file line-by-line, then garbage collection is taken care of automatically (either the buffer will fill and the collector will be spawned then or the collector will just keep up with the line-by-line reading). So our code replacement for the map function works as the Galaxy developers want it to work.

So now we need to add our code to the Galaxy toolshed. I found wiki documentation here which explains the purpose of the toolshed and how to utilize it and add to it. The actual Galaxy toolshed is located here. Effectively, this is a list of repositories that Galaxy users can clone and import into their own Galaxy instance in order to utilize the tool(s) found in the toolshed. A member of Team Rocket, Jacob, uploaded the files to the Galaxy toolshed and the repository can be found here. The Python and XML files are both present in the repository as well as the functional tests I wrote for it, initially. As far as we know, we are done with our second Galaxy addition. So now we need to find a new bug or feature to tackle.

Now you may be wondering about the title of this blog post because it just seems like an experience report so far. Well, since POSSCON will not be happening this year, the software engineering practicum class is being tasked with visiting and attending a meeting of a group listed here. After perusing most of the groups I found that I am most interested in attending a meeting/event for the Agile Charleston group. To join the group to find out about times and more information I have to wait for my request to join the LinkedIn group to be accepted. So more on this later.

Music listened to while blogging: All Time Low

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