So for this post, I will give a quick update on what I've been up to since the Summer started.
First, I am going to Baltimore tomorrow to attend a workshop 6/26-6/27 on Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP). The workshop, part of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2014 annual conference hosted by Johns Hopkins University, includes presentations on the creation of NLP techniques for parsing, the analysis of NLP-parsed data (specifically biomedical), and the utilization of tools/resources such as the Unified Medical Language Systems (UMLS), Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) resources, among many others.
Recently, a paper submitted to the Frontiers In Education 2014 conference was accepted. I'll talk more about this conference and our paper that was submitted whenever it is time for the conference. I really hope I can attend this conference because it is in Madrid, Spain, which would be a great place to visit. Additionally, this conference would potentially help the Learn2Mine team to garner new ideas to incorporate into our own application.
Music listened to while blogging: Sublime